Commons Report 2013

2013 Common’s Committee Report         


1.  A new fan motor was installed in the aerator in the South Pond after it quit working early this spring.


2.  Aim High Tree Service has been contracted to remove dead branches from the willow trees in the South commons.  The work should probably be completed in 2 – 3 weeks.


3.  Dondlinger Lawn service is in the first year of a two-year contract.


4.  Rob Hofpar has treated the ponds once.  He has been called to come back recently due to an upsurge of algae.


5.  As usual, we will contact Eric’s Electric to service and store fountains and Nate Conroy for snow removal on commons sidewalks.


6.  As you have seen in the Treasurer’s Report, the Commons committee has made several recommendations that will impact the budget.  The biggest project concerns erosion in the wetlands at the north end of the north pond. We feel the best solution would be Option 2 as proposed by Jake Whitefoot from Gana Trucking and Excavating (see attached).  We also recommend that an additional load of rip rap be placed in the spillway area at the same time (alternate addition).  Costs for these two items would be $3650.00 PLUS the cost of lawn repair (reseeding/resoding) for the path taken by Gana's equipment.


7.  Since Gana would have their equipment here, the committee felt that this would be an appropriate time to add to rip rap around the ponds.  


8.  Several areas of the Commons are in need of over-seeding.  Nate with Dondlinger Lawn Service gave us a verbal estimate of $1200 to over-seed the areas highlighted on the map (Commons seeding attached).  When I talked to Vance Stoll, he thought it might be pretty hard to get more grass started without a lot of prep work.  Our thought was that part of this seeding could be coordinated with repair of property in item 1 and would be done in the fall provided we have had enough moisture throughout the summer.   


9.  We have not replaced any of the fish in the South pond that did not survive the winter (several years ago).  The committee recommended that $100 be appropriated to replace fish.  Rob Hofpar would do this at the appropriate time.  Fish costs are approximately $0.45 - $0.60 each.


10.  With the lack of rain, we all need to monitor trees in our areas and help with watering.  We would also like to remind to use no-phosphorus fertilizer on lawns as much as possible.


11.  Thanks also to all of the various homeowners who have helped in any way with the upkeep in the commons throughout the year.  Whether picking up trash or branches, watering new and existing trees, etc – all of these small individual acts help to keep our commons area looking nice throughout the year.  


12.  Finally, a BIG THANKS to members of the Common’s committee who have given of their time and talents.  You are a tremendous asset to our Association.  We would invite those living on the commons to consider being an active part of this group. We meet on an “as needed” basis.  Please leave your name and email address or phone number with us before leaving tonight or contact Joe Shandera at 402-486-9291 or 


13.  Questions and/or comments?